Full Service Virtual Meetings

A Full of virtual meeting management services offer many amazing opportunities that in-person events don’t. More sustainability, more inclusion, more tracking…

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Full Service Virtual Meetings

Why virtual meetings?
  • Ensuring your team are motivated, inspired, and trained despite the ban on physical face to face events
  • Keeping strong, active, and connected employees and customers despite the social media distancing
  • Using technology to create new opportunities, attract a larger audience, maintain business continuity and growth.
Current marketplace?
  • Current options available Zoom, Skype, TeamsThese platforms are clunky and rely heavily on user knowledge to be successful
  • User experience and interaction is often one-sided which leads to webinar fatigue during virtual meetings for both presenter and delegate
  • Taking pre-existing live events and trying to emulate them using these platforms just does not work.
Humanizing the Virtual Experience
  • Content is key and your speakers and presenters will be the ones commanding the room. We work with presenters to ensure the content communicates to the audience in the virtual world, adding layers of engagement to ensure the audience remains focused and interested
  • Engaging virtually is different from engaging in ‘in person’ events management and we combine coaching with software to ensure messages are delivered in the very best way. We provide full training for speakers and moderators to ensure they are familiar with the technology and able to maximize ROI
  • Clearwater Events understands that your virtual audience won’t behave the same way as your ‘in-person’ audience and our software accounts have plenty of tricks to ensure engagement
  • You can’t expect remote attendees to take part in a three-day-long conference with six-hour sessions each day! We make sure the schedule is prepared with sessions kept to a maximum of 60 minutes, giving everyone time to get up, stretch, get a cup of coffee, and then come back (and we give plenty of reasons to do so!)
Combatting Webinar Fatigue
  • Webinar fatigue is caused by poor audience engagement. Humans have a short attention span and at ‘in person’ events, the experience combines presentations with networking, refreshment breaks, and lunch
  • Currently, many organizers try to force an ‘in person’ event agenda into the virtual world. Often, virtual events are based around ‘presenting’ with little interactivity
  • This can be down to technology, or inexperience to deliver messages virtually. Expecting constant attention span virtually isn’t a reasonable expectation
  • Virtual events need to be reconsidered, incorporating shorter sessions with audience engagement strategies. Content, delivery, and understanding the agenda (and the required return on investment from the agenda) is key
  • This is where we can help. Translating your agenda into workable, interactive sessions that create hype, excitement, and interaction with the audience. Whilst coaching speakers to deliver in an engaging way!
How do you keep participants engaged using our platform?
  • Create agendas made of short, dynamic and interactive virtual sessions over several days (or hours)
  • Enable great connections through chat rooms, discussion boards, and participant matching
  • Sustain attention with live interactivity sessions and ongoing, relevant activities
  • Provide an easy and stress-free “speak from home” experience
  • Offer sponsored content, feed posts and interactive discussions to your partners
  • Live Streaming

    Connect your speakers to multi-presenter sessions using the tools that you already know. Multiply your impact with parallel sessions. Leverage our native streaming cloud and our robust content delivery network for scaling to thousands of viewers.

    Lobby Conversations

    The branded, custom virtual lobby where conversations can happen in a virtual event. Have your speakers available to chat, make your virtual concierge accessible, pin key content to the feed, and have users interact with one another.

    Virtual Workshops

    Schedule productive workshops, brainstorming sessions, or networking areas on your virtual events with our built-in video conferencing system. Share video, audio, and desktop from up to 50 participants. No downloads are required.

    Contact Us Today

    We’d love to hear all about your event and get started on bringing it to life

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    Get in touch today and speak to one of our experts

    Our solutions are always tailored to a specific need, but being technology-based, our solutions can be up and running in as little as 24 hours. A great option for when you need a last-minute virtual event experience… We look forward to hearing from you.

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