Clearwater Events embraces Wales' ability to attract and develop talent, harnessing creativity to help entrepreneurs grow their business. Our brand, ethos and product services aim to showcase Wales as a centre of excellence and a driver for economic growth. We actively market the country through social media, our website and promotional events.
Delivering event management and creative marketing solutions globally, Clearwater Events fosters a community approach to our events. We aim to leave a lasting footprint in the destinations we operate in. Our approach is to always use local, sustainable community-based companies and individuals, to help us create the event solution. We partner with them to help ensure they maximise their ability and potential. This helps to inject spend back to local community projects, helping our clients to stimulate local growth and development where the event is operating.
Working to a low-cost model, we keep our own expenses to a minimum which maximises the spending power and potential of the event. We believe this is fundamental when designing events; offering creativity, talent and opportunity but, at a lower cost.
We believe in equal opportunity for all and this runs deep through all aspects of Clearwater Events. We actively engage with companies and destinations that represent equality. Clearwater Events is a LGBTQ company, our leading directors represent this minority group. We are focused on equality for all and engage globally with people who can develop, grow and harness talent. We also embrace Welsh culture and actively engage with BME suppliers and support local organisations to help us deliver our event solutions.
We’d love to hear all about your event and get started on bringing it to life
Contact UsWe encourage our clients to use destinations that embrace equality. Clearwater Events believe in using destinations that embrace the values and beliefs of equality, rather than putting delegates in destinations where their lifestyle, beliefs, gender or sexuality could be illegal or suppressed.
We use local, sustainable community-based companies and individuals to help us develop the event logistics. Our approach is to partner with the local suppliers to help ensure they maximise their own ability and potential. We ensure that our suppliers share the same values as you, your delegates and company policy.
At Clearwater Events we are committed to reducing the impact events have on the environment. Any event can create a lot of food, energy and material waste. It always surprises us just how much waste an event can generate, from agendas to welcome letters, delegate pages and event paperwork and in turn, how much paper is thrown away after the event. Not only is this a drain on your budget, but it also has a massive impact on the environment. We work with you to create innovative sustainable events which create positive social and environmental legacies.